PODCAST: America’s Undeclared War on Europe with Dr. Regula Stämpfli, Ep. 16

November 10, 2015: Swiss columnist, author and lecturer Dr. Regula Stämpfli explains her assertion that the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is a war by American multinationals against European labor, environmental and legal standards. She and host William Kern also discuss the migration crisis in Europe and the threat it poses to Chancellor Angela Merkel; Britain’s “Snooper’s Charter” – an attempt by the British government to legalize invading the privacy of innocent people; and the Swiss national elections, notable as Switzerland is one of the few direct democracies.

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Dr. Regula Stämpfli Personal Site Click Here
Dr. Regula Stämpfli in the News Click Here
Dr. Regula Stämpfli on Wikipedia Click Here

Translated Columns by Dr. Regula Stämpfli:

FIFA and BP: Hope for Ending Criminal Collusion with Tyranny (News, Switzerland) Click Here
Apple’s Frozen Eggs: ‘Eugenics’ by Any Other Name (News, Switzerland) Click Here
All’s Disquiet on the Western Front (News, Switzerland) Click Here
Barack Macbeth’s ‘Murder’ of Net Neutrality (News, Switzerland) Click Here

William Kern, founder of www.worldmeets.us, is the inventor of trans-copyediting, a system for checking the accuracy of translated copy into multiple languages. Since 2005, managing a team of dedicated volunteer translators, Kern has edited, packaged and posted thousands of columns of news and opinion about America from publications around the world and from every major language, including Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Swedish, Spanish, Hungarian and Farsi. From the height of the Iraq war to the annexation of Crimea right up to today, Kern and his team have provided intelligence to the American people by opening up a whole new media world.

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TTIP, Regula Stämpfli, Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, American multinationals labor standards, environmental standards, legal standards, Angela Merkel, Syria civil war, Islamic State, Snooper’s Charter, privacy, investor-state dispute settlement, ISDS, TPP, Trans-Pacific Partnership, Swiss elections, Edward Snowden

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