PODCAST: Talking E.U. Migration, Neo-Nazis and Trade with Author and Publisher Dr. Eva Schweitzer, Ep. 13

November 4, 2015: William Kern welcomed Dr. Eva Schweitzer, a German newspaper columnist and writer who splits her time between Berlin and New York. She is the author of eight German-language books, many of which focus on the United States, and she is the founder of publisher Berlinica, which specializes in English and German books about Berlin. We spoke to Dr. Schweitzer about the immigration crisis in Europe and the neo-Nazi threat, the U.S. presidential election, German resistance to the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the ongoing scandal involving the NSA and German Intelligence.

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Berlinica Books Click Here
Dr. Eva Schweitzer on Amazon Click Here

William Kern, founder of www.worldmeets.us, is the inventor of trans-copyediting, a system for checking the accuracy of translated copy into multiple languages. Since 2005, managing a team of dedicated volunteer translators, Kern has edited, packaged and posted thousands of columns of news and opinion about America from publications around the world and from every major language, including Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Swedish, Spanish, Hungarian and Farsi. From the height of the Iraq war to the annexation of Crimea right up to today, Kern and his team have provided intelligence to the American people by opening up a whole new media world.

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Key Words: Dr. Eva Schweitzer, Europe, migration, Sweden, Germany, Merkel, neo-Nazis, U.S. presidential election, Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, NSA, BND, Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Hillary Clinton

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