December 11, 2015: The World Meets America Report spoke to journalist, author and publisher Ethan Casey who lived abroad for 13 years as a reporter for The Guardian, the Financial Times, The Boston Globe, The Globe and Mail, the South China Morning Post and Geographical Magazine. Casey warns of the logical consequence of following the path toward Muslims being laid out by GOP front-runner Donald Trump, who he regards as a demagogue of the fascist persuasion. Ethan warns that if the United States instituted Trump’s program, the country would become a ‘very un-free society very quickly,’ as occurred to Germany during the 1930s – but that Trump is not making a political revolution – he is ‘responding to one’ – referring to the ‘sickness of American society.’ Casey said that like many Germans of that era, given our current political trajectory, Americans may soon be forced to make some difficult choices about patriotism and conscience.
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Ethan Casey Books:
Alive and Well in Pakistan: A Human Journey in a Dangerous Time: Click Here
Bearing the Bruise: A Life Graced By Haiti: Click Here
Home Free: An American Road Trip: Click Here
Ethan Casey Online: Click Here
Blue Ear Books: Click Here
Other Books Discussed in the Program:
Defying Hitler: A Memoir by Sebastian HaffnerClick Here
The Quiet American by Graham Green Click Here
Algerian Chronicles by Albert Camus: Click Here
Live from the Forbidden City by Dennis ReaClick Here
William Kern, founder of, is the inventor of trans-copyediting, a system for checking the accuracy of translated copy into multiple languages. Since 2005, managing a team of dedicated volunteer translators, Kern has edited, packaged and posted thousands of columns of news and opinion about America from publications around the world and from every major language, including Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Swedish, Spanish, Hungarian and Farsi. From the height of the Iraq war to the annexation of Crimea right up to today, Kern and his team have provided intelligence to the American people by opening up a whole new media world.
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Key Words: Ethan Casey, Blue Ear Books, Chris Hedges, Defying Hitler: A Memoir, Sebastian Haffner, The Quiet American, Graham Green, Pakistan, Muslims, Planned Parenthood shooting, Colorado Springs, Robert Dear, San Bernardino attack, terrorism, Alive and Well in Pakistan, Bearing the Bruise: A Life Graced by Haiti, Home Free: An American Road Trip, George W. Bush, Pierre Rousselin, War on Terorism, Algerian Civil War, Albert Camus, Algerian Chronicles, Islamic Terrorism, Islamic State, Dr. Hall Gardner, The American University of Paris, Who is at War with Whom, and Why?, Isolationism, Noam Chomsky, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, good and evil, personal responsibility, propaganda, Live from the Forbidden City, Dennis Rea, The Experts, Clyde Edwin Pettit, What They Signed Up For, Jeb Wyman